No matter our challenges there is one thing that we all share in common. If you are reading this post it means that you have that one thing. So before, worrying about what didn’t quite go well with you today, here is something to cheer about—Life.
Thank God for the gift of life. If...
There is a saying that, ‘You cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself. Keeping yourself motivated is an inside job. You might do an excellent job at creating the right environment and getting the requisite resources to succeed, but if...
Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you do, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know that stopping your addictions is possible only if you put your heart and mind into it. The last but definitely not the least tool for you to...
Now that you have the goal, you need a plan to achieve your goal. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of travelling...